Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris sehari-hari dan artinya

Kalimat percakapan bahasa inggris sehari-hari dan artinya – percakapan memang suatu hal yang lumrah dilakukan semua orang di muka bumi ini bukan readers? percakapan merupakan salah satu bentuk komunikasi kita manusia sebagai mahluk sosial. Kali ini author lagi berbaik hati akan menyajikan beberapa percakapan yang tentunya dalam bahasa inggris dong. Percakapan yang dilakukan adalah dengan tema kehidupan sehari-hari yang sering dijumpai. Dari yang percakapan dasar (umum) sampai yang lebih spesifik.
Ada beberapa yang diberi arti tetapi ada juga yang tidak. Dan tentunya ada fokus grammar agar kalian lebih mudah mengingat dan mempelajari tata bahasa inggrisnya. Tanpa babibu,,, yuh syantiek,,,, check this out!

Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris sehari-hari dan artinya

1. First conversation
Harry and Ron is discussing something interesting about their foolball equipment in the playstore.
Harry: “What must we buy first Ron for us?”
Ron: “Well, how about shocks? I need it many. You know, I always lost it. I didn’t know why.”
Harry: “I see, I see yours. You forgot to lay them. I wore it sometimes because... ya... i was lazy to find mine !”
Ron: “What the...hey...they were mine. I didn’t allow you do wear it. What a annoyed!.”
Harry: “Hey.. that was not my whole fault, anyway, you put it at random places”
Ron: “Ok, ok, let’s buy other things. Don’t waste our time to discuss this silly things. How about buy towels?
Harry: “That’s a good idea, come on!” 

2. Second conversation
Belle meet Beast at ‘Warung Padang’ in Bali. Let’s see whay they are talking about.
Beast: “Bell, what are you doing here??”
Belle: “Eh hai... Beast, and are you?!”
Beast: “Well i often go here. I am Padang Food lovers. I like Rendang. And you?
Belle: “What? I don’t know if you are Indonesian food lovers. I am same with you. I want to eat Padang rice. Don’t you know if my friends had invited me here often too?!”
Beast: “Woa,,, that’s new information from you. Would you like to come with me now??
Belle: “Sure Beast!”
3. Third conversation
Yoona and Fanny are talking about their holiday planning. (Yoona dan Fanny sedang membicarakan rencana liburan mereka)
Fanny: “Our holiday will come soon. But i have no idea where i must spend much. I want to visit my mom but she is still at Holland yet.” (liburan kita sebentar lagi datang. Tapi aku tidak punya ide mau mau ngapain. Aku ingin mengunjungi ibuku, tapi masih di Belanda)
Yoona: “I don’t really think about it. But i want to go somewhere, to peace place,,, i want to feel free... sunny day...  I want to eat new meals many... i want to do nothing” (aku tidak begitu memikirkan hal itu. Tapi aku ingin pergi ke suatu tempat yang damai, aku ingin bebas... yang hari-harinya cerah,,,aku ingin makan makanan yang baru yang banyak,,,,aku nggga ingin melakukan apapun!)
Fanny: “I know the place. Hemm... you’ll must like it.” (aku tahu tempat itu. Hemm..... kamu pasti akan menyukainya)
Yoona: “Where is is?” (dimana itu)
Fanny: “Bali. We can go there. We can do anything there. Do you like to swim or dive? (Bali. Kita bisa pergi ke sana. Kita bisa melakukan appaun di sana. Kau suka berenang atau menyelam?)
Yoona: “Of course I do. Is it in Indonesia right? (tentu, itu di Indonesia buka?)
Fanny: “Yess, I’ve gone there before. Ok, i’ll take it for our next plan!” (ya, aku sudah [ernah ke sana sebelumnya. Oke, aku akan mencatatnya sebagai renca kita berikutnya)
Yoona: “I am with you.” (aku setuju padamu)

Sekarang grammar fokus ya, perhatikan baik-baik:
Simple present tense: Do you have an idea now, My father tells me, I advice you
Present continous tense: Harry and Ron is discussing something, what are you doing here??”
Simple past tense: I didn’t know why, I wore it sometimes, I don’t know if you are Indonesian food lovers
Future tense: Our holiday will come soon
Past perfect: if my friends had invited me here
Pronouns: I see yours. You forgot to lay them. What the...hey...they were mine
infinitive: i want to go somewhere
Demikian contoh percakapan bahasa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari beserta tata bahasa yang digunakan. Bisakah kalian menemukan grammar lainnya dalam percakapan di atas? Kalau bisa berarti readers sudah belajar. Happy learning all
